Each year in October, Pariscience welcomes a great number of school children for screenings and debates with scientific experts and movie makers, at the Institut de physique du globe in Paris. Moreover, the festival offers to a smaller selection of classes, from elementary school to high school, the possibility to participate in our Young Audience Juries.
Their mission? To watch a selection of scientific documentaries in competition, meet scientific and audiovisual professionals and give a Prize to their favorite scientific documentary.
The three Young Audience Juries are :
- The Budding Jurors (made up of classes of CM1/CM2 – 9/10 years old pupils)
- The Middle School Jury (made up of 3 classes of 4ème/3ème – 13/14 years old pupils)
- The High School Jury (made up of 3 classes – 15/17 years old)
If you would like any further information, you can contact the festival’s team at this address: romain.hecquet[a]science-television.com